Twenty-eight birders joined the TAS walk along the L-31W Canal west of Homestead. We started off with slightly cool weather and overcast. As the clouds departed, the heat set in. We tallied about 54-species during this walk. A Great Horned Owl showed itself but only gave us a back view. Several Western Kingbirds were seen as well as a possible Cassin’s Kingbird. Painted Buntings as well as a couple of Indigo Buntings played hide in seek in the grass. Savannah Sparrow as well as a Grasshopper gave us brief views. A Sora Rail, Louisiana Waterthrush and a Swamp Sparrow revealed their presence with their calls but would not show themselves. A Yellow Warbler popped into view a few times giving us fleeting glimpses. It’s interesting that each year there are a couple found in this location. That’s a pretty good bird for the winter months.
Thanks to TAS President Joe Barros for helping lead this large group of enthusiastic birders. It was a pretty long walk but worth it for the beautiful birds seen!
An eBird checklist for the walk is here.
A beautiful selfie photo was taken of our large group!