Conservation Advocacy and Community Outreach shape every facet of TAS programming. We regularly host engaging events at our Steinberg Nature Center main campus that reflect our Conservation Mission via Education, Restoration and/or Recreation. Whether ecological or cultural, these festivities better acquaint our members and area residents with the near-native, 2.2-acre parcel that we steward. In turn, each event also serves as a unique platform for helping us grow our Conservation Mission.
Attend our community events and help amplify “South Florida’s Voice of Conservation!”
Limited Free Parking for all events is available on the TAS grounds via the 55th Avenue auto gate. Free street parking along 56th Avenue; metered parking available on Sunset Drive; various garage and valet parking options within 1-3 blocks; South Miami Metrorail Station approx. 5 blocks.
Conservation Concerts
Last Saturdays of January-April
Our popular Conservation Concert series (aka ConCon) was inaugurated in 2010, born of the need to rethatch our iconic chickee. The backyard Keystone Patio, also restored with ConCon funding, serves as the “stage” for community partner bands who volunteer to “Rock the Doc” (typically on the last Saturdays of January through April. Check our calendar for updates). Perennial “House” band favorites include Plan B, Solar Dogs and Take Sixx. April’s BirdStock closes out the ConCon season with a playbill of all-original music performed by various bands.
Each ConCon also features our donation Bird Bar and a food truck. Additionally, nearby TAS community partners Sports Grill South Miami and Whisk Gourmet offer takeout/delivery.
Don’t miss out on these authentic Old Florida evenings of music and dance under the Audubon oaks and stars.
Picnic Tables available on a first-come basis.
$15 p/p suggested donation, children free
Bird Day
Third Saturday of February
On Bird Day (third Saturday of February) we celebrate the annual northbound flight of nearly 350 species of migratory birds stopping in South Florida on their return to North America from points south. The educational event caters to young people, but enhances everyone’s awareness of just how important our region is to migrating birds along the Atlantic Flyway. Children and their families learn more about living in our species-rich environment, and how to personally help support and host our precious feathered friends as they travel back and forth between North and South America.
The enriching afternoon features bird walks, interactive games, crafting and prizes, and enables participants of every age to meet rehabilitated wild birds and learn about bird protection programs.
Photos: Bird Day features hands-on education for area youth (first two photos from left by Abel Klainbaum; far right photo by Eliana Ardila) Map
BEE-cause Flea
Third Saturday of March
Supporting the Pollinators who feed our Planet — Birds, Bees, Butterflies, Bats & Beetles
Shop our annual BEE-cause Flea (third Saturday of March) and help support the pollinators who feed our planet. Browse among a hive of thoughtfully curated vendors — from artisan makers and bakers, to farmers and beekeepers.
Bonus: Attend pollinator-focused workshops and honey tastings. Visit our Bird-friendly Pollinator gardens, explore the trails that thread our restored Pine Rockland preserve and Tropical Hardwood hammock. Take a guided tour of our historic 1932 Doc Thomas House. Picnic in our oak-shaded grove.
The BEE-cause Flea raises awareness of, and support for, our increasingly threatened local pollinators.
Media Partners: Community Newspapers, edible South Florida and
Walk in the Woods with Wine & Whisk
Second Wednesday of April & November
We stage enchanting alfresco dinner parties (second Wednesday of April and November) on our near-native Steinberg Nature Center campus to better acquaint members and patrons with the TAS Mission and the integral green oasis we steward in the midst of a dense urban setting.
University of Miami Frost School flutists, perched in the Doc Thomas House window seat, fête attendees with a little night music as they arrive for the reception on the Keystone Patio below; a featured bubbly courtesy of RNDC is poured to accompany passed Whisk Gourmet hors d’oeuvres.
Guests then wend their way down the lantern-lit trail through our Tropical Hardwood Hammock for the main event.
Limited seating for just 36 under our iconic chickee hut assures the experience is both delicious and intimate. Whisk Gourmet’s culinary team deftly orchestrates the marvelous 4-course menu populated by local, regional and sustainable ingredients, perfectly paired with distinctive, ultra-premium wines donated by RNDC — New World- themed in April, Old World in November. Joy Wallace Catering provides the elegant tableware.
Because of the limited capacity, reservations are required. To attend or be placed on the wait list, write to
Minimum suggested donation: $125 per person
Members Migration
Last Sunday of April
Every spring, the season of renewal, we invite TAS members and the community to help us celebrate another year of conservation milestones and those environmental heroes who helped achieve them. Members Migration (last Sunday of April) caps Earth Month. The free community event also showcases our historic Doc Thomas House headquarters and near-native Steinberg Nature Center campus. Attendees will enjoy picnic fare, Bird Bar libations, a Conservation Awards ceremony, Silent Auction and live music.
Join us as we recognize the volunteers and public officials who help preserve precious South Florida habitat.
May Movie Nite
Last Friday of May
Movie Nite (last Friday of May) educates, informs and raises environmental awareness via screenings of topical or classic environmental documentaries and feature films that celebrate nature.
Attendees gather under the Audubon oaks at dusk to take in a set of live acoustic music and donation Bird Bar libations. And it wouldn’t be Movie Nite without Trader Joe’s Popcorn. When night falls, the film rolls (if rain threatens, all festivities take place inside the historic Doc Thomas House).
Admission is FREE: To help offset staging and staffing costs, door donations are welcome!
Native Plant Sale
First Saturday of June
Our annual Native Plant Sale (first Saturday of June) makes it easy for area residents to nurture and shelter birds, bees and butterflies, and create their own native habitat. Select from hundreds of native plants at our Steinberg Nature Center campus and get cultivation tips from experts. Indigenous species on offer can include slash pine, coontie, peperomia, bird and butterfly attractors, and more. Learn how to transform your yard into a subtropical, xeriscape oasis. Attend a Rain Barrel Workshop and more.
Net proceeds help support our Conservation Mission.
Bonus activities:
Visit our Bird-friendly Demonstration Garden
Explore our Pine Rockland and Tropical Hardwood Hammock
Tour our historic Doc Thomas House
Pack a picnic to enjoy on our near-native grounds
Dine Out with TAS @ Whisk Gourmet
Second Tuesday of June, July & August
Dine Out is a delicious, symbiotic event featuring community partner Whisk Gourmet. Make a dinner date at Whisk Gourmet (exclusive to the second Tuesday of June, July and August) and, in turn, Whisk will feather the proverbial TAS nest with 10 percent of that evening’s dinner revenues (dine-in or take-out).
Enjoy a plethora of seasonal summer dishes that draw on Southern and Caribbean Basin influences (view the menu at Please consider patronizing our loyal and generous dining partner year round, but especially during the lazy days of summer.
Proceeds from the “Dine Out” series help TAS protect the natural places South Floridians cherish: Biscayne Bay, Florida Bay and The Everglades
Whisk Gourmet
7382 S.W. 56 Avenue
South Miami, FL 33143
High Pines Happy Hour, Bird Walk & Annual Open House
Last Friday of September
To welcome everyone home from the Four Winds, inaugurate our Miami “season” and mark Fall Migration, we host an annual High Pines Happy Hour & Open House on the last Friday of September that includes donation Bird Bar libations, live music and a neighborhood bird walk. TAS members and High Pines, Pinecrest and Coral Gables neighbors are all invited! Socialize, network and “Celebrate Nature & Neighborhood.”