Five Swainson's Warblers!

Swainson’s Warbler by Miriam Avello

Swainson’s Warbler by Miriam Avello

Sept 24 2021

By Michelle Davis

A weak dissipating front drifted down the Florida peninsula overnight, and we were greeted to a lot of birds flying over and dropping in. The first net run had 17 birds in it (more than some entire days) including our first-of-season Western Palm Warbler. Many more were in the sky overhead along with dozens of Bobolinks. On the ground we had a Common Yellowthroat and Ovenbird invasion first thing, with American Redstarts picking up the pace later in the morning.

We banded 5 Swainsons’ Warblers today, one away from the record 6 in one day from quite some years back. I love these birds with their huge spike bills and vibrating motion as they toss through leaf litter in search of insects. This lurking species is on a lot of birder’s want list, and South Florida during migration is one of the few places where they can sometimes be common.

Today’s 69 new birds and 5 recaptures are hopefully signs that migration is finally gathering steam; it is late September after all!

Northern Parula by Miriam Avello

Northern Parula by Miriam Avello

Swainson’s Warbler by Miriam Avello

Swainson’s Warbler by Miriam Avello

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