300 birds for the season so far!

September 10, 2021

The last few days have featured light westerly winds and the birds have been slowly increasing in numbers, with a 41-bird high on Sept 4. Today we woke up to humid conditions and birds in the air. We caught nothing for the first couple of net runs, and then some birds finally settled into the woods. Bobolinks continued to flow overhead for a large part of the morning. On the ground we had diversity today, with 10 species represented among our 17 captures. Several of these birds were very fat, including a Louisiana Waterthrush weighing in at 27.5 grams! These guys usually weigh around 20 grams so he was carrying quite the fat load.

Swainson’s Warbler by Miriam Avello

Swainson’s Warbler by Miriam Avello

Worm-Eating Warbler by Miriam Avello

Worm-Eating Warbler by Miriam Avello

Ovenbird by Miriam Avello

Ovenbird by Miriam Avello

Birds are on the move to the north of us in Georgia due to a cold front that will fizzle as it works its way down the state. Hopefully it will encourage migrants to get a move on and continue down the peninsula! We are starting to really get into the heart of migration season.

— By Cape Florida Banding Station Director Michelle Davis

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